
June 3, 2021
Collecting representative samples with automated mechanical sampling equipment can improve safety, accuracy and efficiency. Here's how.

Sampling ensures an end product is meeting specifications as-produced, as-shipped or as-received. In addition, sampling 可以用来衡量工厂绩效吗. The practice involves collecting a small portion of a bulk material to reflect the larger group of material for analysis.

While the analysis will provide the data necessary to determine if the product is in spec or the processing plant is operating optimally, collecting the sample accurately and precisely is equally important to providing a correct analysis of the product as a whole. 也可以采集样本 manually or automatically.

Automatic vs. Manual Sampling

Manual sampling requires quality control personnel to physically collect the sample from the material stream. 人工抽样有几种不同的方法,包括:

  • Stopped belt sampling, which involves collecting a section of material from a stopped conveyor belt
  • Stockpile sampling, which involves collecting a sample of material directly from the stockpile
  • Transfer belt sampling, 其中包括在转移点收集样本, 比如从一个传送带到另一个传送带

Each of these methods has challenges in terms of sample accuracy and difficultly of the collecting procedure. Because all of these methods require personnel to be near operating equipment and flowing materials, 安全是头等大事.

Automatic sampling, on the other hand, 通过将人员从等式中移除来降低安全风险. This method of sampling uses Mechanical Sampling Systems that are automated to collect a representative sample of material precisely and accurately. 


  • Improved accuracy
  • Better repeatability
  • Improved efficiency
  • 降低长期抽样成本,特别是间接或隐性成本

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Mechanical Sampling Systems are automated processes for collecting representative samples from a conveyor belt, falling stream or fixed point.


  • Bauxite
  • Coal
  • Iron ore
  • Petroleum coke
  • Phosphates
  • Precious metals
  • Sand
  • Salt
  • And more 



  • Auger Sampling Systems
  • Cross Belt Samplers
  • Falling Stream Samplers

Auger Sampling Systems

Although sampling from flowing streams of material is preferred in order to collect the most representative sample, this isn’t always possible.

Auger Sampling Systems 是否使用一种机械取样系统从固定点收集材料, such as from a stockpile, truck, railcar or other container. This type of sampling system is particularly useful in as-shipped or as-received applications where the material is confined to the shipping container.

螺旋钻取样系统由一个在管道中旋转的垂直螺旋轴组成. The bottom of the spiral shaft extends past the pipe and contains a cutting head that loosens material to be conveyed up the pipe toward a collection hopper at the top.

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  • Coal
  • Coke
  • Crushed Ores
  • 金属和非金属精矿
  • Potash
  • Salt
  • Wood Pellets

Cross Belt Samplers

Cross Belt Samplers, also known as sweep samplers, collect a sample increment by rotating a counterweighted sample cutter perpendicularly through a moving material flow on a conveyor belt.

This type of mechanical sampling system is a simple and cost-effective solution to collecting stopped belt-like sample increments without interrupting plant operations.

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交叉带取样器在骨料、砂、石、煤和盐的应用中很常见. 交叉带采样器常见的其他应用包括:

  • Biomass and alternative fuels
  • Coke
  • Concentrates
  • 矿石——铜、镍、铝土矿、金、银
  • Phosphates
  • Potash
  • Power generation
  • Steelmaking

Falling Stream Samplers

Falling Stream Samplers 包括广泛的设计. The key characteristic of all of these designs is that the sample material is collected from a main process flow that is either in a free-falling condition or traveling through some trajectory, 如在输送带的卸料处.

这些类型的采样器往往在设计和功能上更简单. 它们通常提供高度可靠的运行和相对较低的维护要求. Falling Stream Samplers are well suited to high flow rate applications where minimal downtime is a requirement, such as load-out systems.


落流采样器可能有一些限制. 取决于所考虑的落流采样器的风格, 取样器类型通常需要较大的垂直间隙进行安装, 而且它的安装通常更具侵入性和成本.


  • Aggregates
  • Base metals
  • Bauxite
  • Coal
  • Coke
  • Concentrates
  • Copper
  • Crushed ore
  • Gold
  • Gravel
  • Iron
  • Mineral Sands
  • Potash
  • Salt
  • Sand
  • Potash

Bottom Dump Samplers

底卸采样器是落流采样系统的一种. They feature a sample cutter that passes through the moving material flow at a constant speed while collecting material inside it. The cutter releases the material back into the main flow once it reaches the opposite side of the material stream. 然后刀具通过物料流返回到原来的停放位置, 它将在哪里排放或倾倒样品增量到排放槽中.

Bottom Dump Samplers can feature an overhead carriage design or a horizontal carriage design. 

Vezin Samplers

Vezin Samplers 是全封闭的落流取样器吗. Inside, they feature a rotating sample collection assembly with sample cutters that pass at a consistent, uniform speed through a falling stream of material that enters through the top of the unit. 收集的样品通过溜槽排出到采样过程的下一个部分, 当废品通过取样器时. 


Multi-Stage Sampling

Mechanical Sampling Systems can have a wide variety of configurations depending on the needs of the application and include several samplers (and even Sample Crushers) in a Multi-Stage Sampling System arrangement.

For example, a primary sampler used to remove a sample from a main process flow would be considered a one-stage sampling system. A primary sampler discharging a sample to a secondary sampler would be considered a two-stage sampling system.

Multi-Stage Sampling reduces the representative sample size even further to decrease handling before, during and after lab processing. 大多数多级取样系统需要破碎, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全应用中使用的小型破碎机可以完成哪些任务. 


Types of Sampling Crushers

Sample crushers 外观和功能与较大的同类相同, 只有它们是专门为处理低吨位应用而设计的, such as sampling. Types of Sampling Crushers can include:

  • Sampling Cone Crushers
  • Sampling Jaw Crushers
  • Sampling Hammermill Crushers
  • Sampling Roll Crushers/Sizers

Sampling Cone Crushers crush material between a wobbling mantle (moving piece of steel) and a concave (a stationary piece of steel). The particles are squeezed and compressed as they make their way down the crushing chamber until they are small enough to discharge from the bottom of the machine.

Sampling Hammermills 破碎腔内的旋转锤棒对物料的冲击使物料破碎. 破碎的颗粒在破碎腔中被拉得更远, 在哪里可以进一步降低压碎屏幕的能力.

Sampling Jaw Crushers crush material between a moving piece of steel and a stationary piece of steel that form a V-shaped crushing chamber. The material is squeezed and compressed until it is small enough to discharge out the bottom of the chamber.

Sampling Roll Crushers/Sizers 粉碎物料在两个旋转辊之间或在辊和破碎板之间. 浆料从机器底部流出. 

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  • Industry
  • 材料,包括尺寸和堆积密度
  • Geographic location
  • Plant layout
  • Plant operations
  • Preference

应用程序的正确采样解决方案将考虑所有这些因素, 以及参与抽样过程的各方的目标和关注点. This can include operators, end-users, testing companies, sampling consultants and engineering firms.

开发采样解决方案需要对应用程序有透彻的了解, 特别是与抽样相关的需求和目标. 



Mechanical Sampling Systems have many benefits over the alternative of manual sampling, including:

  • 限制人员接触操作设备
  • 尽量减少手工物料搬运要求
  • 消除人类在样本采集中的自由裁量权
  • 减少取样过程中潜在的人为错误
  • 正确地测定一种物质的成分
  • 正确评估已发运或已接收材料的价值
  • 自动收集、粉碎和还原样品
  • 确保满足菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全规格要求
  • 确保满足合同要求

Automated sampling with Mechanical Sampling Systems is significantly more efficient than manual sampling, 在大多数情况下,它提供了更好的结果. 机械取样系统可能无助于最终菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的生产, but they are crucial to correctly valuing that product and ensuring the plant is operating correctly. Correct sampling and quality sampling equipment allow for an organization to better understand and streamline their operation. 

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