Why 滤波器按 Are the Best Choice for Settling Pond Elimination

几种类型的脱水设备可用于分离浆料中的固体和液体,以减少或消除沉淀池, but one is better for overall tailings 和 water management.

矿物 工业历来使用最简单和最便宜的脱水技术来处理废浆尾矿.

的se old methods include dumping directly into streams, 河流和湖泊,或使用采矿表面或地下采石场/坑进行处置.



Reducing/Eliminating settling ponds

Over the past 10 years or more, pressures to improve tailings management practices have increased further due to a number of factors, including:

  • Stricter environmental regulations
  • Rising operational costs
  • Higher waste h和ling costs
  • Increased water conservation requirements
  • Catastrophic impoundment failures
  • 的 need for better risk mitigation
  • Physical space limitations for operational expansion    

在骨料和矿产行业的领导者已经开始评估和投资于更有效的, cost-effective systems to dewater tailings. 的 systems include: ultra-fines separation, slurry thickening 和 slurry dewatering equipment technologies.  

在这里增稠剂 equipment technologies separate 和 concentrate the waste materials, 而脱水设备从废物流中回收额外的水,并产生几乎干燥的固体.  



Types of dewatering equipment

Plate filter presses, 带式压滤机和离心机是当今骨料和矿物工业中相互竞争的脱水设备.



的se dewatering devices work best with material that is more easily dewatered, has a larger particle size distribution 和/or a low clay content, 虽然它们通常不会像压滤机那样有效,因为它们不能产生后者的高压脱水力.

离心机作为连续进料装置运行,通过涡旋输送机去除固体,并在堰上排出液体. 的 bowl is conical-shaped to help lift solids out of the liquid, allowing them to dry on an inclined surface before being discharged. 

Centrifuge equipment has high up-front investment cost 和 high operating cost. 它是建立在严格的机械设计规范,有效地运行在非常高的转速. 

Operating costs are high due to high electrical power requirements, expensive replacement parts 和 the need to use dewatering chemicals. 

In addition, centrifuge operation requires skilled, experienced operators. 离心机 have a reputation of high noise, high speed vibrations 和 are subject to frequent wear issues. 

Because centrifuges are smaller than filter presses, 根据需要的单位数量,占地面积可能小于大型印版印刷机.

Belt filter presses


在带式压滤机中,废浆被压在两条张紧的多孔带之间. As the belts pass over 和 under rollers of various diameters, 液体从浆料中挤出,而固体饼料保留在皮带之间. 增加的压力是产生的,因为皮带通过辊的直径减少. 

的re are many designs of belt filtration processes, but all incorporate the following basic features: 

  • polymer conditioning zone
  • gravity drainage zones
  • low-pressure squeezing zone 
  • high pressure squeezing zones. 

Advanced designs provide a large filtration area, 额外的辊, 和 variable belt speeds that can increase cake solids by 5%. 

带式压滤机的一般机械部件包括脱水带, rollers 和 bearings, belt tracking 和 tensioning system, controls 和 drives, 和 a belt washing system. 

Belt filter presses have low to medium initial capital cost, with a smaller footprint for installation.


由于皮带和托辊的磨损以及托辊之间张紧皮带的连续运动造成的故障,维护成本也很昂贵. 皮带和滚子轴承需要经常更换,造成较低的整体可用性. 


Recessed plate filter presses

Recessed plate filter presses 是否用于通过分离废浆料中的液体和固体物质来制造脱水饼料.  滤机.jpg?mtime=20190627081213#asset:42050

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Recessed Plate 压滤机.

的se filter presses are among the oldest types of dewatering devices 并常用于骨料和选矿废液的应用.

典型的凹进式板式压滤机是由一个重型支撑框架组成的,支撑框架上有一系列的聚丙烯板,每一面都有凹面. Each plate is lined with a synthetic filter cloth. 的 plates are tightly clamped together with hydraulic pressure, creating a void space between the plate surfaces. 

高压浆料进料泵用于迫使浆料进入板材之间的空隙. 的 slurry solids are captured between the plates, 当液体通过安装在平板表面的滤布时. 

When no additional slurry can be pumped into the filter press, the slurry feed pump is stopped 和 the plates are separated, allowing the cakes to fall by gravity out of the press.  

How a 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Overhead Beam 压滤机 works.


Depending on the type 和 amount of material being dewatered, 现代压滤机设备可以非常大,需要很大的安装和操作空间. Common polypropylene plate sizes today can be up to 8’ wide by 8’ tall, with large filter presses holding up to 200 hundred plates. 

板式压滤机由于只需要一名兼职操作人员,所以运行成本较低, lower wear parts cost 和 typically no need for chemical dewatering aids. 

Because the slurry material is captured completely between the filter plates, 可以对泥浆施加非常高的脱水压力(高达225 psi或更高). 高脱水压力产生最高的饼固体浓度可能的任何机械脱水设备. 


板式压滤机也可以采用第二种类型的板称为膜板. 在这种情况下, 该板具有由聚丙烯或其他合成柔性材料(如硬橡胶)制成的柔性膜表面. 



的 membrane can be thermally fused to the concave plate core, 也可以将合成膜的边缘嵌入在板材表面加工的小通道内凹板芯中. 

的 same initial process is used in a membrane plate press, 用高压浆泵给压机灌装和脱水尽可能多的浆. 

浆液进料泵停止后,滤板仍夹紧在一起, the membrane surfaces are exp和ed using compressed air or water. This inflated membrane compresses the cake material, removing additional moisture to the lowest possible levels. 

Plate 压滤机 advantages

没有任何一种脱水工艺能比板式压滤机更有效地去除浆料中的液体. Additional benefits of plate filter presses include:

  • Highest amount of recovered water 
  • 干燥的蛋糕 
  • Lowest operating cost 
  • Lower waste h和ling cost, haul less water 
  • Most stable solid material generated

Because of these advantages 和 the high efficiency of the plate filter press, it is the best choice of equipment to eliminate settling ponds.

标签: 尾矿 & 水资源管理


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