
菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Provides Australian Gold Mine with Tailored Falling Stream 抽样 System

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 recently tailored one of their Falling Stream Sampler designs to meet the needs of a gold mining application in Western Australia. 

The mine is processing 1,000 metric tons an hour of gold ore through high pressure grinding rolls, which tend to create a flaky product. To achieve a more cubical product, the mine approached 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 about adding a DDC-Sizer to their process, along with a 抽样 System for collecting samples of the DDC-Sizer discharge being sent to the agglomerator.

“Overhead clearances were pretty tight for the project, so we had to stay within a certain vertical clearance that so we could fit within the project envelope,” explained Adam Orner, Product Manager for 抽样 Systems at 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全.

In addition to height limitations, the primary sampler also had to fit the outlet of the DDC-Sizer. Following these specifications, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 designed a Two-Stage 抽样 System consisting of a primary and a secondary Horizontal Carriage Bottom Dump Sampler.

“The horizontal carriage arrangement gives you the best low-profile setup that you could possibly achieve with a Falling Stream machine,奥纳说。. 


A secondary Horizontal Carriage Bottom Dump Sampler will take a sample of the increment collected by the primary sampler.  

Horizontal Carriage Bottom Dump Samplers

Horizontal Carriage Bottom Dump Samplers are a type of Falling Stream 抽样 System. They collect sample increments by passing a cutter through a material stream as it falls from a machine or conveyor belt to another machine or conveyor belt.

With the horizontal carriage arrangement, the cutter is oriented to the side of the drive carriage. As the chain drive moves the carriage from one end of the machine to the other and back, the cutter moves back and forth through the falling material flow to collect the sample. When the cutter reaches the discharge end, the door located on the bottom of the cutter opens to release the sample material.

“Horizontal Carriage Bottom Dump Samplers can handle pretty much any type of material,奥纳说. “They are very adaptable and very well-suited for a variety of materials.”

For this application, the primary sampler extracts sample increments from the DDC-Sizer product stream and discharges them onto a Vibratory Feeder. The sample material is then delivered to the secondary sampler with a controlled feed. Final samples are removed from the Vibratory Feeder flow by the secondary sampler and delivered to a four-station Rotary Sampler Collector. The reject material from the secondary sampler is discharged into the agglomerator feed chute and reintroduced into the process flow.

“最终, we’re going to help them collect representative primary samples and secondary samples so that they can take those samples back to the lab to process them to develop good data for making decisions with their process,奥纳说. 

Offering the Right Solution

This project is only one example of how 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 tailors its equipment to meet the specific needs of its customers.

“We always start with an understanding of the application —what the customer is trying to do and how they’re going to do it,” Orner explained. “We try to gather as much information as we can from the customer to put together a sampling solution that best meets the requirements of the application.”


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